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The core Northern Beat crew is made up of genuine, old-school journalists. We’re an independent news publication. And we’re reader-supported. We’re not beholden to advertisers or corporate investors. Our only duty in reporting is to deliver what we know, as truthfully as we can.

Our subscribers are interested in B.C. politics, public policy and democracy. They want to see beyond the breaking news headlines and they care about how government is affecting their communities.

Who we are

Our freelance writers are political correspondents, industry experts, academics, former politicians, community activists and more. They all care deeply about protecting the integrity of our institutions and maintaining competent, transparent governance by our elected officials.

Every week, we deliver the perspective of British Columbians to decision makers in Victoria, and vice versa. We mainly cover how public policy is playing out in places beyond Vancouver and Victoria, but the stories we tell often resonate no matter where you live (public policy is like that!).

It’s our humble contribution to truth in public discourse, informed discussion on polarizing issues, and chipping away at the rural/urban divide.

We believe knowing the truth about the world around us is foundational to a free society, and an essential step to making it a better place.

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Northern Beat, the voice of the exhausted majority

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BC legislative journalist, editor and founder of Northern Beat
A voice for the exhausted majority in British Columbia. Covering political news, policy, and the stories that matter.