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Police liaison officers are a good and positive interaction for schools and the students. That is the level of introduction that should be promoted. Starting at the elementary level (intermittently). Respecting the law and law enforcement officers should be a common goal of parents and education systems. That changes when officers are assigned to schools as a security measure because of a criminal minded atmosphere developed by attending students that create potential dangers for students attending those schools.

Society has lost its way. The obvious attitude decline toward the policing service is detrimental to the safe existence of our social environments. Understanding what side of the line to stand on is important for order to be possible. Follow that by kindness and good intentions and we are fine. Choose the other and we are not. Sadly Crime is Winning. The proper attitude toward society starts at home and should be flourished through our education systems when young minds need that type of positive interaction. Addressing crime in schools leaves us in a conundrum but in some cases it is the only answer for attempting to provide a safe and secure environment for students. Early introduction to this is very important and should be supported. Victoria is lost on many files for many reasons.

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