Excellent interview. Good old commonsense. Roll up our sleeves and get to work and allow all to prosper and benefit. Our country will be not a sitting duck but a dead duck if we don't get our resources to market via our coast lines. It is essential to our continued success as a nation.

If we don't someone else will. It will just be done under a different flag. I LIKE OURS

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There does seem to be new interest from the BC govt in supporting natural resource sectors and Premier Eby has spoken about reducing our dependence on the U.S. for trade. But it's unclear how he means to achieve this. His office would not say whether his govt will revive Northern Gateway or expand LNG. I was told, they consider approvals on a per project basis. Which doesn't explain blanket go-ahead (and bypass of the environmental assessment process) for 9 wind projects, but that's another topic!

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They consider approvals on a per project basis. Really says it all. You're right the blanket go ahead for the wind mill project clearly shows the direction BC wants to go.

They should review the Sarnia wind mill project in Ontario before spending money on this wind project. BC has a lot of issues economically - created by the NDP government and it doesn't look great looking forward either. The NDP format has never been good at building economy. They just chase capital away reducing investment and reducing tax revenue from the lack of jobs that could be created but are not.

4 more years of this and it will be a very big fiscal whole to climb out of.

Too bad Canada is the envy of the world resource wise. We just choose not to capitalize on that opportunity. The cat is out of the bag about the resources in Canada. If we don't develop this resource someone else will AND probably under a different FLAG. Trump sees and smells weakness that's why all the rhetoric exists. He may just get away with something big for the US and a loss for Canada. (the Arrow Jet) is an example. Time will tell. I think by midnight tomorrow changes will be made. The execution of those changes will be immediate. Canada is in poor shape for this tariff situation. Creating a tariff war with the US will really hurt Canada and Canadians. This was completely avoidable if we played our hand properly over the last 30 years.

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Poilievre has talked about substantive policy for quite some time across the country. However, voters know him for adeptly revealing the disasters of the Trudeau administration. Pierre Poilievre has been diligent and successful at his job. It is his parliamentary role as ‘His Majesties Loyal Opposition.’ Nevertheless, the cynical legacy media talk about Poilievre being all “critic” without substance for “governance”. They have not been listening. Maybe they don’t want voters to know? This post reveals the Trudeau contrast. Trudeau is ‘image over substance’ and Poilievre is ‘substance over image’.

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It's true that Poilievre has been speaking about the Conservative government platform for quite a while. The full 'apple' interview he did in the Okanagan has been posted on his YouTube channel for a year:


It's quite a bit more informative about Poilievre and his proposed policies than the excerpt that went viral on social media.

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Poilievre is one shameless grifter. No one who got over a C in high school science class could possibly fall for his science denying ignorance. Why do big oil demand so many billions in tax payer handouts if they're so capable? Poilievre has no answers, pathetic grifter that he is.

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